Tuesday, September 9, 2008

haiii majide!!!!

i wish i had the sayonara boys to help me out here but..

this will be my last post here. after 10 posts its been ok. writting about some things on my mind and giving me a chance to think about things that i wouldnt write about. so as a last post i will tell u a funny story.

as some of u know i bought an alarm clock from muji (that japanese store in the city). well i set my alarm one morning here in my apartment and it went off. it woke me up suddenly because i always turn my alarms off so i dont wake up my roommate. but the clock was on the other side of my desk so it took me a while to turn it off. but when the alarm went off...lol....sorry im laughing just writing this rite now, my roommate like paniced and woke up and got out of his bed sooooooooo amazingly fast and put on his glasses LOL i guess its sumthing that u had to see for yourself but omg it was one of the funniest things ive seen. he probobly thought there was a bomb in the room or sumthing haha. and wen i saw him get up and everything im just like...relax relax its just my alarm hahaha theres no fire relax. then he does a real loud exhale and lies back down and says i hate you. lolz i love my muji alarm clock =]

so thats my last post as a "roadfollower" BUT i have moved. the people that actually read my posts know that i got a new email address for gmail (i made it cuz it actually has my name and i can use it for more professional stuff now) so i will be moving to that blogspot. i think my url thing is "kaninpagkain" so if your interested in what i have to say and wut not, just visit me there.


-Paul Michael A. Santos

Saturday, September 6, 2008

1st week of senior year

this post will probobly be quite long because so many things happend...

sunday i moved in and got unpacked and everything and got everything in the rite places i want and guess wut? no internet. no one in the whole apartment complex had internet...until wednesday!!! so 3 days of not being able to check mail, go online, email professors or anything. the same day i also went to buy food and stocked up on pancit canton and sardines and corn beef lol and sunday nite...lets not talk about that...i wouldnt consider it a very "smart" idea...and was probobly the stupidest things ive done ever...

monday i got up late and didnt feel too good, and still couldnt find a senior design project, the professor me and my partner emailed never got back to us. so through out the week, it was so stressful trying to find a senior design mentor, emailing professors and trying to find one that wasnt taken already...more on that later in the week.

tuesday i left in the morning to drop off my car at Don's house the guy with the raceshop that would install my 17% reduction pulley. my friend was late in picking me up and i got back to skool and went to a class that i wasnt registered in because i got RU screwed. i got to class and sat down and was going to wait till after class to ask the professor for a special permission number. so like 5 or 10 minutes into class the place was full and people came in late that were actually registered and there were no more seats, so i knew he wouldnt be giving out special permission numbers so i just left. but later that day i got my car back which was very exciting.

wednesday is a rough day for me since i have 2 classes...both 3 hours long. but i got through the day alright. i still cant find a senior design mentor at this time and the professor still hasnt gotten back to me or my partner. and i dont remember wut else happend that day

thursday i had to go back to the raceshop and get sumthing installed again because the people forgot to put a piece of my car back on. after that i went job hunting for a little bit. and had class later that day. this day tho was the most stressfull since i was under the impression that we needed a mentor for senior design the next day. so i filled out the form and just put a bunch of projects on it.

friday after senior design class i called the professor ive been trying to reach for the past week and he finally picked up and he was in his office so i went up to talk to him and he said ok for me and my partner to take the project with him. after all that stress, the week ended with a sigh of relief. i really dont know what else to talk about rite now cuz im pretty drained from working on the car and worrying about things too much. so on that note, good day. and i miss summer =[

-Paul Michael A. Santos

Thursday, August 21, 2008

time to take a break from this



Friday, August 8, 2008

read and your vocabulary will grow exponentially

lets face it, im not a very "deep" person and i dont have a good vocabulary...i dont even know if i spelled that right. but when i hear other people pray, using all these big words and making it all fancy, it makes me feel like my turn for praying out loud is a bit...well...pee-uny (dunno how to spell it). im not saying that its bad to use big words or anything, but is it bad to keep it simple? or maybe its just im not used to praying aloud. sumtimes it feels like people say fancy things and use big words just to make it sound better or something. agen im not saying that just because i cant match up that its bad. but i think God doesnt care how fancy the prayer is or how kool the words are that you use, i think its what your heart feels and ur intentions are what matter. sumone can say "i pray for blah blah blah" then use sum nice vocabulary to emphasize or sumthing, and then i mite say "i pray for blah" and it could mean the same thing just because of how my heart is when i pray. or maybe im just jealous that other people have a better vocabulary and pray nicer sounding prayers than me, but i dont believe that to be the case. but sumtimes having such a beautifully sounding prayer that is lengthy could discourage people who arent so good at praying out loud or make them feel inferior. you may agree with me or not, or i may get some negative thoughts from you because this is an aspect i see, but well...its just what i think. im not bad mouthing the people who can pray outloud well, i dont feel like explaining it rite now actually just IM me and ask me

MISS YOU LEIGH ANNE ALREADY!!! the house is sooo empty!! 0.o

Monday, July 28, 2008

best summer? i think so

if you ask me if this was my best summer by far...i would say HECK YA!!! ill give you some reasons, some of which i cannot post and ill keep to myself

got my first job. 11 an hour and im a city goer now working 9-5 4 days a week. who can argue with that? i admit its a boring job but ill take the money.

korean bbq wif the close ones. mmmm korean food is madd good and eating it with friends is even better. plus the soju? thats just a little extra on the side haha

im 21, im legal, im OLD. hey i can drink now and i take the oppertunities i can to drink to try different kinds of drinks. i love getting carded too, its like...oh yaa im short and look like im 15 but im 21! in yo faceee. being 21 does make me feel old too -.-

i learned to navigate the city, well i didnt learn myself, so give it up for Florence for being an amazing teacher to teach me how to use the subways! i finally get it. it also makes me feel more..professional? to be going around the city by myself. makes me feel good haha.

i learned patience. i told myself i wouldnt let the mistakes happen agen and im doing my best not to make those mistakes agen and to be patient. learned sum good lessons this summer

of course i cant leave out hanging out with my main mates. staying at my home in kevins house with kevin and leigh anne, and hangin wif freddy and florence. its just too bad leigh anne is leaving and kevin is leaving early too. where am i gunna sleep?!?

my autocross day. if u know me, then u know i love my car. and i loved racing it even more. even tho it was 1st gear through the course, those tight turns and throttle management and learning how the brakes and throttle actually effect my understeer, thanks dad for letting me autocross. if anyone wants to come next time i go ill bring you along.

lunch with people in the city! its good to have friends in the city that work too, so i dont have to eat by myself. although Florence wont be in the city anymore after this week, and Vic leaving after the 15th, no one is close enough to eat with me anymore =[

oh and those email are fun at work, and make the day go by so much quicker, maybe its because i spend more time emailing than actually doing my work lol but im not complaining.

my posts always seem to be long for some reason, i need sumone to tell these things so i dont have to post so much stuff haha i must sleep now, 10:41 PM...well at least i get to say this now....

i have to sleep i have WORK TOMORROW!!! haha

(i know im forgeting some events that happend over the summer but if we have a 1 on 1 talk im sure ill be able to tell you more)

Wednesday, July 16, 2008

sum things on my mind

i know its only been 2 days since my last post and writting too often turns your readers away but i really wanted to talk about these topics.

im still not a member of any church. should i be? i want to be. but is it worth it? i wanna be a part of a church. yes i go to a church already siccc but im not a member. not being a member lets me get out of church clean up tho =P hahaha anyway i wanna be a member of the church but is it worth it to be a member maybe just for a year? i mite be leaving next year after i graduate if i find a job. hopefully its a job near here but can i really be commited (omg my spelling sucks) to a church if i cant be there every sunday or friday. ive been going there for like 2 years now i think. maybe its time, i dont know

after seeing kevin's piktures from guatamala last year it inspired me to maybe do a missions trip. ive never really had the will to do it cuz im not very good with new people especially if we cant speak the same language. but after seeing how much he got from it and the emotions and how relationships grew, it made me want to experience it. i want to experience helping needie people, put a smile on their faces, cry because of sorrow (i think thats the word). even this year how the team had fund raising and such showed how they grew on each other and got closer already, i want that. maybe next year...maybe but i dont wanna go alone

i live in the middle of no where as most of u know. no friends here (well i do but dont wanna hang out with them), no activities to do, no city to go to, no buses to take you places, subways, everything is by car. im jealous of the people in staten island to be honest. they get to be so close to everyone in the church. everyone is close enough to hang out with. they go to the city and hang out. everytime i here that "oh we hung out here or there or the city with these people" it brings me down because i live so far away and am not able to be with my friends. they go out and have fun while i stay at home wishing i could do something fun. i cant just decide, oh i think ill go hang out too, cuz i would have to make an hour drive just to do so. sure i have a fairly big house, a nice car, video games and such, but i would rather live close to friends like they do. everything so close and accesible while i stay at home trying to find something to do by myself. i want what they have.

leigh anne I love you. after 21 years of you being around your finally leaving. we really are growing up and you are moving on with your life. i truly am gunna miss you. i wont have a gurl to talk to about girls and get advice from you anymore. (unless i just call you...) but not having you around is going to be weird. your sneezing will be missed dearly. you wont be there for me to compare my height to anymore. we wont be able to go to the mall together, more importantly u can go to ralphs with me anymore. i should just lock you in your room and throw the key away so u dont leave us. but you do have a life to move onto. you've always been there for me to talk to about my feelings and secrets and girls and such. i will truly epicly miss you and i know a lot of other people will too. dang where am i gunna find sumone to play piano and sing with me for worship now? as much as i hate that your leaving, i love you and i hope you have a great life in the windy city. just dont ever forget where you came from and dont ever forget us over here (i know you wont, how could u? we are just too kool over here) ive never had a best friend leave me b4, well becuz theres only been you and kevin, but your the best and ill come visit or sumthing, and u must visit us over here too. its hard to put into words how i feel about you leaving since its 4:35 in the morning and because all the thoughts r just zooming by because theres so much...but just know this, i will never forget you, you will always be my best friend, and i will always love you. please take care of yourself out there, or i mite have to fly over and save you haha. oh and one last thing...does this mean i can have your room now???


Sunday, July 13, 2008

First of all before i begin i wanna say thank you to Joanna and Brian for being the first to post comments on any of my posts. i was never aware that people actually read my posts 0.o also i noticed that people have friends lists on the side of their blogs and was wondering how you do that...yes me being technilogically savy doesnt know how to add frends on blogger lol so if sumone could help me out that would be awesome.

So it was a very very exciting weekend. first thing was friday night fellowship with playing on the worship team. i really love playing on the worship team and having my guitar abilities go to good use because i dont really play at home. it's always fun and uplifting to play on the worship team, makes me feel....useful?? or like im finally doing sumthing that is useful to God and his purpose and stuff, know wut i mean?? i dont remember if musical talent is a spiritual gift but i doubt it but it still feels like im using a gift he gave me for God. get me??
Of course how could i talk about friday without talking about the cyclist gang! they are soo awesome biking from state to state biking all on their own and just letting God guide them and provide for them shelter for every nite and safety. its really inspire'ing....(i dont know how to spell it)...inspiring? i think...anyway its inspiring to see them at church and their confidence in God to get them through each day. its also a good workout =P they really amazed me and gave me a "spiritual boost" which i really needed becuz im on a "spiritual low" right now. so now i wanna do sumthing like that and i think our church should =P u know how people say that even just the presence of you could be uplifting to another person?? well sumthing like that, but i think that happend to me on friday.

on to saturday which was another awesome day. it was really nice spending time with other church people and just hangin out and all. funny moments out of the top of my head was me accidentally closing the window on jacey's fingers while Jon was beggining to pray in the car for us lol, another was wen i was buried in the sand -.- haha digging that hole for 3 hours was...well tiring and time consuming haha but it was a good accomplishment and thanks to those who helped me dig and you know who you are. im not gunna tell the whole story of the whole day so just ask sumone who went. I know you probobly....probably heard enough about the gas situation, but this is my blog so i am going to talk about it really quick. was a great day dont get me wrong i had the most awesome time, but it was a bit far and being a driver with gas prices like this is a killer. i spent half a tank going there and back so thats about 20-25$ so thats the bad part of it but i think the great out weighs the bad on that day. it was a very memorable day fo sho

this being a fairly long post i will cut it short right now and talk about more personal stuff instead of a summary of a weekend.

thanks to those who read my blog and sumone tell me how to add friends 0.o

i also want to thank God soooo much for taking most of the pain away from my leg and my toe for beach day so i could have sooo much fun that day. without Him i wouldnt have fun. even tho it hurts again, im still so gratefull to God for giving me that small opening to feel quite healthy again. so thank you Lord for being so good to me even tho i dont deserve it one bit. He truly is AMAZING =D


preview of my next post
xBecoming a member
xMissions trip
xA leaving friend
3 topics is enough